Monday, March 26, 2012

Hunger games necklace

Bacon Time with the Hungry Hungry Hypo: D.I.Y. Dr. Seuss Necklace

 How cute is this!?! Where do you even get these small books?

Bacon Time with the Hungry Hungry Hypo: D.I.Y. Dr. Seuss Necklace:   Happy belated birthday Dr. Seuss! Better late then never right?

g*rated: Gearing up for the Games

 This is soo cute!  I made my own Hunger Games necklaces with cutouts from Entertainment Weekly magazine.

g*rated: Gearing up for the Games: Just over 2 weeks til Hunger Games comes out and Chelsea and I are SO EXCITED!  We absolutely devoured the books and since we read them...

Saturday, March 24, 2012