Thursday, September 12, 2024

Date A

I decided im going to start or attempt to start to blog my dates. You can't make this stuff up. It's what my nightmares are made of. Tonights date wanted me to meet him at his place of work. Ok, I guess I can do that. I grabbed my knife, just in case. I dont know why I havent brought it before. So, I show up at this delapidated looking building and see him poke his head out of a corrugated metal side door. I wave, Im hear, I yell. Like he can really hear me. I walk in and he hands me a water. Hes making pasta and eating then, gave me a tour. The place was massive and the only thing I kept saying in my head was theyd never find my body. Especially behind the secret door behind functioning lockers. He shows me, still eating his pasta. He's aan MMA fighter. I feel like I should mention just to add to my paranioa. Also, previously at work we were talking about crazy dates and how I should watch myself. Yet, here I am sitting on this mans couch. Blissfully unaware. Im a moron. We're talking, he starts kissing me. I stop and say tell me more about you. He says well I grew up here yads, yada, yada and kisses me again. I stop and ask another question. This happens another time and finally I say. I need to get going, i have nails in the morning. He walks me to my car and I don't hear from him again. Im not upset about that.

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